Thursday, October 17, 2019

Should workers have the right to strike, and should this right be Essay

Should workers have the right to strike, and should this right be restricted in particular contexts or for particular groups of - Essay Example However, if companies adopt a stakeholder model of corporate governance, the need to strike might be averted. The stakeholder model of corporate governance becomes relevant in the issue of a strike because the structure of the philosophy of governance, when geared towards a shareholder model becomes a microcosm example of survival of the fittest. Each member of a shareholder model is serving his or her own interests because the overall corporate culture is geared towards only protecting the interests of the owners at the expense of all other considerations. Improvements in employment conditions do not occur unless they are of a benefit to the shareholder’s interests. Layoffs and terminations are made liberally with high levels of turnover when the interests of all parties are usurped by an upward flow of actions that are geared solely towards the owners. In a stakeholder model of corporate governance, all parties, including the employees, are taken into consideration when maki ng the decisions that affect the company. Everyone’s concerns and needs are addressed, and most are met, in order for all to receive the benefits of the interests of the company. The Right to Strike The U.K. ... While the Constitution has since been signed, the issues were important enough that it delayed the U.K. in agreeing to all the terms within the document. Part of the regulations that define the right to work in the UK are structures on how a strike must be approached and voted upon. Although, as pointed out by Mr. Hendy during a debate in Parliament in 2009, all governments have restrictions on the right to strike, the British government has set up structures that limit those rights to a point that the international community has voiced objections that have had to be addressed (Great Britain and Dismore 2009, p. 25). Therefore, the debate over the right to strike has been an ongoing issues within the U.K. However, the right to strike extends beyond the laws that currently and previously structured the rights of the employee to protest his or her conditions within the work place. The right to strike is the right to help define how a social group, that group defined by the workers, has the ability to designate boundaries under which they will allow themselves to be used for the purposes of commerce. The right to strike is a legal concept, but it is also a human rights concept that must be considered when there are problems within the work place that are impeding the basic human condition. According to Amnesty International (2010) the right to strike is a human’s right’s issue that can be held as a standard in regard to the level of human rights that are available within a nation. When a country cannot afford its workers the rights to organize and protest conditions that are not conducive to the welfare of their lives. Issues such as fair wages and worker safety can create problems that must be

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