Saturday, October 19, 2019

Islam Afterlife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Islam Afterlife - Essay Example Muslims who has followed the teachings of Islam will go to Heaven which is a perfect secure place for rest and peace. And people who has not followed the Islam and ignored Allah’s teachings will be sent to Hell as punishment. From the teachings of our beloved Holy Prophet (SAW), it becomes clear that after the end of an individual in fact take him/her to be lifeless, but that person remains alive. Life after death is entirely dissimilar from this life. The interval between death and Day of Judgment is called ‘Barzakh’. Imam Bukhari reported that Hazrat Aiesha (R.A) said that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) said: â€Å"Destroyed is the one who has his account settled on the Day of Judgment†, Aiesha (R.A) said: â€Å"O Messenger of Allah, didn’t Allah says: â€Å"Then He who give his records in his right hand soon will his account be taken by easy reckoning†. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied: â€Å"This is the skimming through the deeds; and destr oyed is the one who has his account settled on the Day of Judgment.† After this worldly life, every person will be equal before Allah. No any king will be superior than his slave; a slave also can be a king by doing good deeds or by follow Islam sincerely. And a king can remain a king if he is kind and helpful to his people. In the graveyard when an individual is buried, two Angels will be sent by Allah in the graveyard. One angel will be ‘Munkir’ and the other will be ‘Nakir’. There are some specific questions according to the meaning of Ayaat of Quran-e-Pak which will be asked by angel. Questions will be â€Å"What do you know about the messenger (prophet P.B.U.H) of Allah†? â€Å"Who is your Lord†? Than they will ask over that â€Å"What is your religion†? And â€Å"Who is your Prophet†? The dead body will reply all their questions. If the dead body will be a Muslim, he/she will be gifted. And if he/she is a non-Muslim h e will be punished by answering incorrect. Angles will send his/her soul according to his deeds, if he will be a good man he will be sent in heaven, otherwise thrown in hell. This world is a great test world for all human beings. A good person will be in heaven and a bad person will be thrown into hell. Hell is a place where Allah keeps their bad human beings. There is a big reward hereafter, alike punishment is also brutal. Hell is a big space in which millions of peoples can be punished at once. Hell is full of fire which is fanned for millions of years. Fire is fanned till the Day of Judgment. All the persons with sins will be thrown into it and will be punished till his punishment ends. All the doors of forgiveness will be closed on the Day of Judgment. No one can be escaped. It will be on the sky, how could anyone one be escaped. All the things will be done according to the order of Allah. Paradise (Jannah) is the place made for those people who are beloved to Allah through the ir actions. Such bounties are there which nobody can imagine, no mind can perceive, no ears had ever heard. People in Jannah will spend their time with full joy and peace. Their every will be come true which was unaccepted on earth. Heaven is a beautiful, calm and secure place which will be full of beautiful hurs (fair, beautiful females) wearing fine silk gowns with wide lovely eyes. Milk streams will float everywhere. No sense of fatigue will touch there. People will be never asked to leave from there.

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