Saturday, February 8, 2020

Primary and secondary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Essay

Primary and secondary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Essay Example transformation from a less fatal disease to a fatal disease with less chance for survival. So, it is important to go through the histopathological changes taking place in the lung related to primary and secondary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis mainly affects human respiratory system (lungs). Besides, the main symptoms of this infection are similar to other common diseases and the real problem gets unnoticed. Anderson et al. (2014, p. 1713) state that ‘Since the symptoms and signs of childhood tuberculosis are seen in a range of other conditions, clinical diagnosis is unreliable’. As the initial infection or Primary TB is seen among children, the infection may affect their immunity and may lead to other diseases in general. One can see that vaccination is not effective for this infection because it spreads through air and direct contact with the infected person. So, the best possible treatment for primary infection is to diagnose the same and to provide proper medical treatment. Warner & Mizrahi (2014, p. 1642) state that ‘In the absence of a vaccine to provide long-term protection, control of drug-susceptible tuberculosis is largely dependent on a standa rd 6-month chemotherapy regimen that has been in use for more than three decades’. In addition, proper medical treatment can cure this infection because modern medicine proves to be effective while dealing with the same. From a different angle of view, treatment for primary infection can hinder the rapid spread of secondary infection because. Sterling et al. (2011, p.2156) state that ‘More than 2 billion persons are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and from this reservoir active tuberculosis will develop in millions of persons in coming decades.’ For instance, medical treatment can hinder the spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from person to person and can save millions of people. Nowadays, treatment for this disease is

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